Something needs to be brought to the TF2 community's attention.
A user by the name of SigSegv brought to VALVe's attention a possibly GAME-BREAKING glitch/exploit utilizing the Short Circuit a couple weeks ago. This exploit caused the players and server to lag for a millisecond. However, this would cause players to rubber band horribly allowing players to, what's the word, clip inside enemy players. This would actually allow the player who lagged into the enemy to bypass the enemy spawn protection, and get inside the spawn. Sigsegv provided all the information worthy of a Finders Fee and gave it to VALVe. But VALVe, being incompetent let two updates go by w/o fixing it.
Then the Bad stuff happened. Famous Youtuber Delfy uploaded a video openly promoting this exploit. Which in turn caused the community of Gibus-wearing fanboys to exploit this over and over in Casual mode which was making the game NOT FUN TO PLAY. Sigsegv wrote to VALVe again saying "Hey, you need to fix this!" VALVe finally fixed it after Insomnia 58 or I58, the previous community competetive streamed event. Once this was fixed, Delfy took all the credit, having done nothing to let VALVe know or trying to fix it (much like how he never contacted mapmaker UEAKCrash about the exploits in his maps like PL_Borneo). And Delfy's fanboys defended him even when several people spoke the truth.
My favorite comment on someone who Spoke the truth about Sigsgev
Was by a user with a "Meet the amazing sniper" profile pic (i will leave the name anonymous)
Who said "You should really kill yourself cause your lying" (yes he spelled you're wrong)
Please give Sigsegv and the other bug fixers some respect and don't believe every FAMOUS youtuber.
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