Do me a favor and just don't buy it.
This is me after doing one and one half chapters of the story and 10 regular fights.
what's in the fighting system is less than button mashing (because button mashing doesn't reward you)
there's no difficulty, and the story sucks.
my score: 329/1000 (some decent fun ideas come from the roster selection, dante, megaman x, monster hunter.)
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
how i would tweak Deathgarden to balance it while maintaining the identity of the characters
welp, time to cancel this post because the game is going goodbye
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Types of Survivors Addendum: stranger plays
This took me a little too long to write but this is types of Dead by Daylight survivors who play the Stranger Things characters.
The Hair

Steve players are loners, always running the autoheal perk of course.
But Steves will show up in multiple ways. Often times if they're a squad of four, you will see them migrate together. Not necessarily genrushing, these flocks often scatter and reform as a blob of protecting each other until they can scurry into the loops.
The other type of Steve is basically the replacement Bill. Often times like some Bills, you will find them only after triggering a special cutscene. In Order to unlock the guardian Steve you must first chase and injure one other survivor, then the survivor needs to be enough of an idiot to return to the spot once or twice more (usually a gen or an unsafe loop) after being healed up. Once these conditions are met the Guardian Steve will appear the next time you decide to punish the foolish survivor. Much like their Bill counterparts, they will act as a "try to chase me" bait as much as possible. Unlike Bills, they are actually catch-able once they try to loop you. Bills just tend to loop you as long as they want to until they activate their console command that gives them (for some reason) the ability to completely escape killers and turn invisible, or so I'm told.
Big scream little face

Nancies are somehow the more annoying kind and its never due to the perks they run (aside from TOTH now becoming a viable option to run against nancy squads like you would run sloppy with anyone else.)
Wild Nancy players often will seek out the weakest, babyest, clearly SWF'ed their way to rank 10, survivor and begin to orbit them at all times. Do not attempt to harm their host planet, Nancies will teleport into your blade and take the hit. They tend to run flashlights and will flash you breaking pallets their host slammed down. Take down the nancy first before thinking of harming their host. The host can be any random, any survivor, does not have to be in their very clear SWF group.
Lastly Nancy players are either rank 15 or rank 8 and no in between, unless they're the rank 1-6 carrying the rank 12 kids into a rank 10 game.
(seriously fix matchmaking, for every bad rank 6 I kill at rank 10, another rank 15 escapes to get boosted to rank 6 and think they are any good.)
With the killer list (since it tends to affect pickrate) I will focus more on what ranks the players tend to be.
but that's all folks!
Friday, August 16, 2019
Dead By Daylight: Types of Survivors
Ah, survivor mains,
the players with power in this asymmetrical game. So somehow when they die due to their mistakes they complain. Everyone loves our salty little entitled sacrifices. So let's go through the stereotypes!
This list is based on popular opinion as well as personal experience as of Patch 3.1.0 "The New Nightmare"
Dwight FairLocker
So given the fact that Dwight has some pretty good by the numbers teachables you'd expect him to be paired up as much as possible on generators right? and with leader he'd want to take a hit to help his team so they can heal him faster?
More often than not you'll find the type of player based on what cosmetics they wear, if (when you finally find him in a locker) he's got default clothes on; It's a locker Dwight. But if they wear the Dwearder, see me now cap and one of the red shirts, or the pizza delivery guy outfit; They're here to sweat. Often times you'll find them jumping off generators hoping you'll chase their teammates at all costs. If there's multiple Dwights in a game, it's a Survive with friends group and will likely have synchronized cosmetics. You'll rarely ever run into a baby Dwight unless they're in a locker because most of the newbies are busy playing........
MegHead players tend to be the failed bait. From my experience Meg is a really good stealth survivor for quick dash ins and dash outs. But more often than not, Meg is out in the open leaving all the scratch marks, leading the killer to all her friends, botching hook rescues by ensuring they both go down. stuff like that. They fall into two categories, running premonition instead of spine chill so they dash out too early and reveal themselves (or more often after they mess a skill check), or running Nea teachables. Oh also they tend to go for the hatch at all costs (I've been guilty of this) "Scavenger out of bounds, Scavenger death."
Claudette seems to be played by the most scummy and toxic players that are pulled in from far and wide. After all, her unique perks are usable on every survivor so who would play Claudette? Claudettes tend to run
in general
they just run between survivors, run to gens, run to killers begging to be followed so they can use self care. Then they think they can disappear in tall grass by crouching. They're often Ochido wannabes which is ironic cause they'll tell you to enjoy the ban when they're the ones holding the team back with Mcdonalds wifi. Like very few people think the majority of Claudettes are not chaotic evil.
Jake Farrel or Jake from Statefarm
xwing first edition reference
Jakes are quick and sneaky like an a-wing pilot (Ok I'm done referencing)
Jake's perks tend to be not very useful except for rare situations. Jakes fall under two categories: they either really don't want to be seen so they'll duck in and out like a meg; Or they're trying to run saboteur, and always get the hooks that wont be visited because his team is on the other side of the map. Overall on the spectrum of how scummy they play Jakes aren't too bad. Assuming you ever see them.
so, jokes about her looks aside,
Nea has great teachables that can be used on almost any playstyle just like self care.
So often when you see a Nea, they want trouble. They want your toxic tears no matter what side you're on, the idea is one thing and one thing only:
Neas want to do what they can to piss off the killer, even if it means that gets her teammates killed so no gens get done while she's baiting the clown again.
Neas tend to be the lowest kind of player, just "omg so stealthy" to "HEY OVER HERE" in two seconds flat.
And they still divide into two types! Either they're a god at looping and running so they constantly try to get you to follow them at all costs; or they suck.
The former will often get triggered when you don't follow them so they'll teabag flashspam loud noise spam, they want the attention they don't get at home.
and the latter will type gg ez after being sacrificed
It's hilarious because cosmetics don't even determine which type they are.
Not my picture but it's hilarious |
Laurie Decisive Strike
Now you don't see licensed survivors that often anymore unless they're an Ash.
Ever since the change to DS you don't see Lauries a lot
Ever since the change to DS you don't see Lauries a lot
It used to be they would yell at you for dribbling even though they always have DS equipped. And they'd use Object of Obsession so hard that it would result in them not getting away, ever.
But your main job was not to touch them because DS unless you dribbled.
Now Lauries are still running the usual perks, but now their team is a SWF of Decisive Strikes.
Now if you see a Laurie without a SWF group, they're kinda fun.
Ace "search chests only" Vinaigrette
Selling painted Bill's hat for 2 buds
How do I put this (welcome to consoles finally) There are some people who shouldn't touch bill with a 10 foot pole. You can see a few types of Bills out there. One type are clearly fans of Bill because Left 4 Dead, so they'll either be really good, or suck. Then there's the people who want him for the teachable, so Borrowed Time and usually Unbreakable (but left behind sucks so....) and will often go for the dumbest hook rescues to get both of them killed. Then there's the people who shouldn't be playing Bill. You can recognize them because they act like they're trying to be a mettle of man ash or something scummier, like a claud-meg-nea-dwearder fusion of toxic bois from all the realm. They stay in the open, never try to evade the killer effectively. and often get the death they deserve, which is detrimental to the team, that bill wouldn't be any different if he disconnected.
Feng and Bone
But your main job was not to touch them because DS unless you dribbled.
Now Lauries are still running the usual perks, but now their team is a SWF of Decisive Strikes.
Now if you see a Laurie without a SWF group, they're kinda fun.
Ace "search chests only" Vinaigrette
Aces fall into one of two categories, default clothes means they think they can play like any other survivor.
but the ones wearing the smoking robes and cosmetics like that? they're here to have fun, and while that does sometimes mean pallet looping. It usually means running a luck or chest offering and just going around with the most RNG things, like dodging skill checks, getting hooks, searching chests, and especially trying to unhook themselves. You don't see Aces that often, they're pretty cool.
Selling painted Bill's hat for 2 buds
How do I put this (welcome to consoles finally) There are some people who shouldn't touch bill with a 10 foot pole. You can see a few types of Bills out there. One type are clearly fans of Bill because Left 4 Dead, so they'll either be really good, or suck. Then there's the people who want him for the teachable, so Borrowed Time and usually Unbreakable (but left behind sucks so....) and will often go for the dumbest hook rescues to get both of them killed. Then there's the people who shouldn't be playing Bill. You can recognize them because they act like they're trying to be a mettle of man ash or something scummier, like a claud-meg-nea-dwearder fusion of toxic bois from all the realm. They stay in the open, never try to evade the killer effectively. and often get the death they deserve, which is detrimental to the team, that bill wouldn't be any different if he disconnected.
Feng and Bone
Feng players are interesting because they seen to be lawful good 99.99% of the time. It's rare to run into a scummy Feng. Usually they'll win just because they're good not because they need to cheese with adrenaline or any other crutch perks. The teachables usually separate them into two or three playstyles. A good Feng will almost always run Lithe as it's just good.
There's stealth jockey, you might see them run Poised or Disruption, and they'll use Technician and probably Stakeout, all gens and no sightings.
Then there's locator Feng; Alert, Dark sense, Detective's hunch likely and Spine Chill. These Fengs want to know where the killer and their goodies are at all times.
overall Fengs are respectable players. unlike....
![]() |
not my picture but dang is it funny |
David Dead Hard
Do I even need to explain a David King Player to you?
Quentin got the heroin
excuse me, who?
Double Tapp
If you ever see a Tapp without a generator, then you aren't looking hard enough. All Tapps are loyal to generators so much so that you can see they wear mini generator earrings. The hairdo is in the shape of a gen, his lungs are a generator. So being such generator huggers, Tapps are actual respectable players (and that's not just because I play him). And they're good to boot! they'll often do the best for the team, and run any perks that fit their playstyle, not that are "good". I respect Tapps enough to TRY to hook them LAST of all the survivors.
Kate Dance with me
Kates are surprisingly the good kind of "chase me pls" player, you'll often see them run an obsession perk for some reason (likely DS) and they just tend be out in the open ready to dart at any point. They're surprisingly fun to play with and you rarely will find a BAD Kate.
Francis from Left 4 Dead
(We miss you Etika)
Now these Adams are an interesting type. Because they tend to Gen Jockey but don't want any consequences for being bad. So they'll stay as far away from you as they can, forget distraction, and do what they can to make sure they don't get hooked first (deliverance). But as a killer you'll always make sure an Adam gets hooked first.
They don't bring much else to the table, and since they're rare-ish I don't even know what else they run, not autodidact or distraction for sure.
Fat Jesus
come on you've thought that too
Jeff's tend to be the Claudette that actually is never seen. You'll play against a Jeff or two that is the non scummy replacement for the altruistic member of the team. They'll be hard to find and you'll only catch one near the hook. However if you get their scent, they're hard to lose. Now if you see them with like makeup or some other cosmetic, they're a Claudette player that thought they could disguise as a good person.
Jane Thiccero
Jane's are always found when you play as a survivor, but when you play as a killer you'll rarely encounter a Jane. I can guarantee that they're running head on for sure.
But Poised and Solidarity are actually really good. If they're running Solidarity they're running We'll Make It and are constantly going for hook rescues. But often you'll find two stacks of them for some reason, as well as some other survivor always tailing them.
Ash wins the hand
No that's not just a pun.
Ash players are all the rage right now.
They're as common as a Dwight, you just cant stop finding them.
Always running Mettle of Man, and almost always buckle up. They just want you to hit them. They're your very own 300 bloodpoint farm.
Occasionally you'll probably see someone running Ashy Slashy with Flip flop, Unbreakable, and Tenacity, probably Boil Over too.
But most of the time, Ash's are kinda boring as they all play the same. At least Ashes are probably decent enough to take care of themselves, running a medkit or a deadly accurate flashlight.
And that's everything! next up will be the killers of course.
i am still working but check out this stuff
So my youtube channel?
(you can find it in the tab that says personal information)
has new videos for those who like smash and those who like Alpharad's LVL 9 CPU CS
check them out!
(you can find it in the tab that says personal information)
has new videos for those who like smash and those who like Alpharad's LVL 9 CPU CS
check them out!
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
ok, that was a jump
So news number one: I'm working on a Splatoon review, splatfest was rigged, go team order.
Number 2: I'm working on a Saya's Vigil quest post, hopefully the new game overhaul doesnt kill it
Number 3: I'm playing more paladins now that Io is out. also I just realized how easy it is for survivors in DBD
Number 4: I've never been banned on the OW forums for longer than six months, but ummmmm.
I've um.... been,
Number 2: I'm working on a Saya's Vigil quest post, hopefully the new game overhaul doesnt kill it
Number 3: I'm playing more paladins now that Io is out. also I just realized how easy it is for survivors in DBD
Number 4: I've never been banned on the OW forums for longer than six months, but ummmmm.
I've um.... been,
onwards with the posts!
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
ok final splatfest in two days
then my post can get finished up
forget the nightwave thing.
oh also I reinstalled Battlefront II 2017
that was interesting.
If you care, i'm about 4/10ths of the way through Diamond is Unbreakable , so... Oi Josuke! I just scraped away the boring blogger with [Za Hando] and now I'm making it a good blog! Isn't that interesting?
sorry about over a month gap but as I work towards college and the like I CAN find time for this but it's hard
and now that Tennocon is changing the new game experience who knows where or what will happen to Vor's Prize and the other starter quests.

forget the nightwave thing.
oh also I reinstalled Battlefront II 2017
that was interesting.
If you care, i'm about 4/10ths of the way through Diamond is Unbreakable , so... Oi Josuke! I just scraped away the boring blogger with [Za Hando] and now I'm making it a good blog! Isn't that interesting?
sorry about over a month gap but as I work towards college and the like I CAN find time for this but it's hard
and now that Tennocon is changing the new game experience who knows where or what will happen to Vor's Prize and the other starter quests.

also go Team Order
Friday, June 7, 2019
so a couple things.
1.I installed Deathgarden: Bloodhunt,
i think i want to do a comparison/recommendation type of post
2. I'm behind on triggering mods: I'm only at 6/10 points and 4 of those are from the overwatch forums (Ironically this time had the least reasoning behind it. only like one person reported it for trolling xd)
3. Nightwave season 2 is coming soon and i'm working on the season 1 to Jovian Concord story (spoilers in several places)
4. this is more than a couple things
5. My Graduation and 18th Bday is tomorrow
7. i skipped 6
8. Have a great day I cant wait for e3
9. read this post and see if you think it's fully trolling
This account has been suspended from the Blizzard Forums for a violation of the Code of Conduct: code-of-conduct/
Reason: Trolling
Date actioned: 2019-06-07 04:06:17 UTC
Action ending: 2019-06-07 13:00:00 UTC
Title: The hero shooter genre is dying with BR's death
Reported post: ------------------- now the only options we have are
this waste of 15 bucks
paladins (run by a neglectful and slightly-less-greedy company)
Lawbre- never mind
battleb- you killed that too what else?
i mean there's TF2 but that takes skill so.... (how long until i get banned i'm clocking it) -------------------
i think i want to do a comparison/recommendation type of post
2. I'm behind on triggering mods: I'm only at 6/10 points and 4 of those are from the overwatch forums (Ironically this time had the least reasoning behind it. only like one person reported it for trolling xd)
3. Nightwave season 2 is coming soon and i'm working on the season 1 to Jovian Concord story (spoilers in several places)
4. this is more than a couple things
5. My Graduation and 18th Bday is tomorrow
7. i skipped 6
8. Have a great day I cant wait for e3
9. read this post and see if you think it's fully trolling
This account has been suspended from the Blizzard Forums for a violation of the Code of Conduct:
Reason: Trolling
Date actioned: 2019-06-07 04:06:17 UTC
Action ending: 2019-06-07 13:00:00 UTC
Title: The hero shooter genre is dying with BR's death
Reported post: ------------------- now the only options we have are
this waste of 15 bucks
paladins (run by a neglectful and slightly-less-greedy company)
Lawbre- never mind
battleb- you killed that too what else?
i mean there's TF2 but that takes skill so.... (how long until i get banned i'm clocking it) -------------------
Monday, May 13, 2019
So I got banned off the overwatch forums and it wasn't even soft players
It was entirely the mods
Because i saw no complaints or reports from the users, just the triggered mods
The title of the post was "how to not get banned"
and i finally got this email after a DAY (took way too long honestly, the lazy friday at blizzard)
This account has been suspended from the Blizzard Forums for a violation of the Code of Conduct: code-of-conduct/
Reason: Trolling
Date actioned: 2019-05-11 01:39:16 UTC
Action ending: 2019-06-01 15:00:00 UTC
Reported post: -------------------
step one: dont speak anything remotely true
Step two: pretend the game is fun
step three: follow the crowd
Step Four: dont have a record of saying something that gets you banned when you respond to something like someone calling our colorful friends "the alphabet soup"
Step five: use :rofl: at least :rofl: one :rofl: emoticon
Step Six: Pretend you're better than op
Step seven: Pretend that logic is a thing on the internet
Step Eight: say that truth is subjective
Step nine: immediately disregard step 8
Step Ten: use your rank to bully people who have ideas or haven't played because they are trying to improve the game
Step one to get banned: be a good person -------------------
If you would like to contest this forum action, please submit a Customer Support request: help/product/services/665
The Forum Moderation Team
so that's 3/10
only 7 more to go
also I'm wondering on when to start my XC2 and XC2 Torna review.
as well as when to do my final Wildlands review because of Breakpoint
It was entirely the mods
Because i saw no complaints or reports from the users, just the triggered mods
The title of the post was "how to not get banned"
and i finally got this email after a DAY (took way too long honestly, the lazy friday at blizzard)
This account has been suspended from the Blizzard Forums for a violation of the Code of Conduct:
Reason: Trolling
Date actioned: 2019-05-11 01:39:16 UTC
Action ending: 2019-06-01 15:00:00 UTC
Reported post: -------------------
step one: dont speak anything remotely true
Step two: pretend the game is fun
step three: follow the crowd
Step Four: dont have a record of saying something that gets you banned when you respond to something like someone calling our colorful friends "the alphabet soup"
Step five: use :rofl: at least :rofl: one :rofl: emoticon
Step Six: Pretend you're better than op
Step seven: Pretend that logic is a thing on the internet
Step Eight: say that truth is subjective
Step nine: immediately disregard step 8
Step Ten: use your rank to bully people who have ideas or haven't played because they are trying to improve the game
Step one to get banned: be a good person -------------------
If you would like to contest this forum action, please submit a Customer Support request:
The Forum Moderation Team
so that's 3/10
only 7 more to go
also I'm wondering on when to start my XC2 and XC2 Torna review.
as well as when to do my final Wildlands review because of Breakpoint
Friday, May 10, 2019
Nightwave season 1 is almost done expect a wrapup along with more!
hey Dreamers.
I'm on chapter 7/10 of new game + on Xenoblade 2
I'm on chapter 7/10 of new game + on Xenoblade 2
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
So i've decided to try to trigger as many anti-fun mods as possible
Whether it's SCP:Secret Labratory (which does not need moderation, just basic anti-cheat)
CSGO Jailbreak, Forums and more. if there's an anti fun rule (no earrape, just mute them) i'll do my best to trigger them, if i get banned i'll keep score.
once i hit ten i'll work on finishing Saya's Vigil review
CSGO Jailbreak, Forums and more. if there's an anti fun rule (no earrape, just mute them) i'll do my best to trigger them, if i get banned i'll keep score.
once i hit ten i'll work on finishing Saya's Vigil review
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
in case you dont know
I have an occasional hobby of getting banned from the OW forums,
i could go over how flawed the entire system is as a whole (because it's censorship city there)
but instead i am gonna go over something positive.
Bayonetta 2 is finished on hard mode, i got my umbra forma and i'm going through Battle Tendency (JoJo) as well as playing some fun games from companies that wont censor you or make it political :)
i could go over how flawed the entire system is as a whole (because it's censorship city there)
but instead i am gonna go over something positive.
Bayonetta 2 is finished on hard mode, i got my umbra forma and i'm going through Battle Tendency (JoJo) as well as playing some fun games from companies that wont censor you or make it political :)
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
It's here, gaming rewind 2018
so this is my gaming rewind 2018 poster featuring Stress level 99% the death of MGS as Konami's new abomination t-poses over the corpses of Diablo and Snake. Thanos default dancing (yeah that was in 2018 too) ps4 exclusive Spiderbro, CSGO going F2p at the end of the year, Deltarune, 16 times the detail, and Spyro is just, there. also i know the ok ban was this year but OW censorship started last year, WHO'S TOO BIG FOR SMASH?
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
since i forgot to go over it, Clubhouse was made fun! Rainbow Six Siege
So clubhouse is a fun looking map, with a fun gameplay setup with some mobility issues.
during its map Buff in Para John Wick Bellum. Changes included
Connecting the second floors of each building so no longer was upstairs garage area (Cash room and CCTV room) isolated by only really being able to exit to the garage area (which would be locked down by attackers, it was like Favela' paper mache site, exposed.
Making the blue furnace room acessible from a tiny alcove room that served barely any purpose (making garage not the only way down without a hatch) this does add a tiny amount of pressure to Defense as garage is no longer the only way to attack one side.
Closing off Billiards room to make the bar harder to attack, that area was wide open.
Giving garage stairs instead of a ladder.
closing off a master bedroom window.
removing some chairs that cluttered up bar and decreased the entryway space (it was barricadable now).
increased spawnpeeking from defenders (they sort of got a "safe corner" from the new connector on the second floor which prevented them from being shot from construction and instead they pick of anyone they can find on the roof. gutsy little bois) by 300%
and lastly making a bathroom/ hallway rotation point to the club which made a soft wall between bar and club, lead to billiards and the new bathroom so this absured chokepoint wouldnt occur for attackers and that DOOR wasn't an easy sightline to behind the bar.'
these changes made this map one of my favorites to play on
this is old old news but still, i rate it 947/1000
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