Friday, March 31, 2017

ORISA, Canals, R8, Negev, and blizzard getting away with too much: From a Valve Consumer

Orisa: the Doomfist  striptease

Hero 24 has been released in quickplay and NOW (after one week) in competitive. She's in the weird spot where she's considered OP or too weak. Nobody really knows how to play as her (though not as hard as Sombra) Her multiple abilities are a smorgasbord of heroes including Bastion, Zarya, Reinhardt, and more.
Image result for matchmaking broken top 500 vs diamond


Above is a picture of competetive matchmaking.
Team blue is mainly Platinums and Diamonds, while Team red is Grandmaster AND TOP 500 PLAYERS. (not my match, I haven't run into this)
Image result for cs canalsTHIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING. This is supposedly happening because it' either "not enough players playing" or "a glitch in the system"
This never happens in CSGO, EVER.

I wanted to rant at Blizzard for the mei ice wall exploit in Ecopoint Antarctica. IF YOU DO ENOUGH PLAYTESTING THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN. Plus, Capture the flag has the highest draw rate of any gamemode, It needs to stop NOW.
Valve released a new map (haven't been able to play it yet) Named CANALS. CHECK IT OUT.
They are also TWEAKING WEAPONS so they have been removed from comp. The R8 and Negev are being buffed. Let's see those become good again

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball: A Professional Review, and On The Wishlist

This is a review as well as recommending this game. You should buy it (this is a game EVERYBODY can love )

(click the link below)
buy it on steam here

Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball. A.K.A the original Rocket League

This game can be expressed in many words. You know the feeling you get from playing a game of Ana paintball? Multiply that and expand: High-octane, Fun, Friendly, Rage-inducing, Satisfying, severe BS, Hilarious, Falling off your seat, and more.

I Have had a few games where i will boot it up just to waste time (like the fun japanese arcade game ported to pc Crimson Clover World Ignition)


Good graphics

Client-side soundtrack (you can switch songs in the game using B and N. the sountrack affects the arena look)

Soundtrack composed by multiple artists (totally worth getting)

Surprisingly non-toxic crayons- i mean community (must be from playing this game)

Bot customization (don’t bother with the store the community market is better.)

Bragging rights with loot (mission badges are so cool)

Many Gamemodes for single and multi-player. (if you host a server you get to tweak it and you can become host if the host leaves)

Competent bots

The dodgeballs actually look better in game than on the trailers


Steam Trading cards

Community Discord

Cheap price

Does Elimination better than Overwatch

A good Rocket league for those that don’t have high specs

Kudos (complement your eliminator with K to publicly say in chat “Nice shot” in a way)

Stattrak Awps- i mean Skillshots. When you get a STATBRAG and get a shot using that kind (IE ricochet) it displays the total number of ricochets that you’ve achieved to both you and your victim

Pro and Con: trading card badge gives you an exp bonus so semi “pay to rank up”


Weak air strafing (this game throws quake movement ideas out the window, you move and actually slide a little)

Weak jumping (maybe it’s just me)

Catches are high skill required (but soooo satisfying)

Balls have the ability to ricochet so often you might get killed by a bounce

No voice chat (but you wouldn’t want to inturrupt the music would you?)

Controller support: you’ll need to set that sensitivity down LOW to play well.

This game feels clunky when used with controllers and/or a small screen for local co-op.

Great for friends and friendly games

Epileptics go home this is not for you

Personal Rating: 979/1000

This game could win the “Five more minutes award” for the next steam award

Thursday, March 16, 2017


I got Arkham city Game of The Year edition on pc.
I've been playing it on pc and i have more info for this review. and this game is absolutely great with the side mission. So expect that soon.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Giveaway because i'm an attention.... spaz.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway
I just love being a stereotypical content maker