Thursday, November 17, 2016

Is Sombra balanced?

So the newest hero for Overwatch is here!

Even though I haven't played as Sombra; I've seen how she plays.

So brings the question, is she overpowered?
First we need a breakdown on her abilities.

200hp (no armor)

base weapon: 60 round gun that does more damage than it should


Thermoptic camo: makes her slippery

transgenderlocator:makes combos more annoying than others

hack: makes her more of a "support" than an offense

passive: just pushes her over to the OP side

So yea she is unbalanced.

But Why?

First off: So many abilities with () <--- that much room to counter.

second: counters almost everyone

third: hack health packs

Fourth: passive makes her able to pick of enemies that are almost dead, and she can hack the healthpacks. She basically becomes the OP spy

The update did seem a bit weird and it felt like it was killing Overwatch.

The things they decide to focus on...
Fixed a typo on the bakery blackboard in Eichenwalde (REALLY?!)
Fixed a bug that allowed certain heroes to stand on unintended pillars on Ilios (once again lowering the freedom of the players)
Fixed a bug on Lijiang Tower that allowed heroes to reach unintended locations
Fixed a bug allowing Reaper to Shadow Step to unintended locations on Nepal
Fixed a bug that allowed players to contest the payload from a protected area above the gas station on Route 66
Fixed a bug that allowed Pharah to reach unintended locations on Volskaya Industries
Fixed a bug on Watchpoint: Gibraltar that allowed players to reach an unintended location near the final objective (Tf2 at least allows some freedom to move around.)

(Are players even allowed to fix this or are these glitches so minor nobody notices them)

Fixed a bug that prevented Ana’s healing stats from showing up in the Career Profile page
Fixed a bug that prevented Ana’s custom crosshairs from displaying while zoomed
Fixed a bug causing irregular placement of the pumpkin on Genji’s “Pumpkin Carving” highlight intro with certain skins
Fixed a bug preventing Mercy’s staff from showing up in the “Guardian Angel” highlight intro with her Cobalt skin equipped
Fixed a bug preventing Reaper’s “R.I.P.” victory pose from animating correctly when the game client isn’t in focus
Fixed a bug that allowed Tracer to use Blink while rewinding with Recall (fixed a "bug" that made the Righteous bison to hit targets multiple times)
Fixed a bug preventing some of Tracer’s voice lines from activating with her Punk skin equipped (piece of kek)
Fixed a bug preventing Zarya from gripping her gun’s handle in the “Deadlift” highlight Intro (oh no, not a graphic error!)
Fixed a bug causing Zarya’s Graviton Surge to eject Reinhardt at high velocity (that must have been hilarious)
They added a one hero limit to normal quickplay. If this happened in Tf2 the Fans would REVOLT

Oh Yeah and they are making sure that Ultimates just fade into obscurity with nerf after nerf. IT'S LIKE WHAT GABEN DID to the CZ-75 AUTO and to TF2 

Overwatch is killing itself!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Batman: Arkham City Review (story and mechanics)

So I just played Batman: Arkham City on the xbox 360 in less than twelve hours (on and off i had the whole night) so here is my thoughts.

Graphics for an xbox 360: Beautiful and the character model for Batman gets more worn out throughout the game.

Combat mechanics: Overall combo based, flying gadgets, and almost button-mashing (good but not perfect for what it should be)
Freedom to take them down in any way you wish but they get up very easily (take downs are somewhat long and most of the time someone else will interrupt)
Main problem with lack of easy take downs is that the smoke pellet is not bound to any combo so you can't do the awesome knockout punch without selecting it and I usually have the bat-claw equipped to disarm the gun-wielding enemies .

Basic melee: balanced
Shields: balanced but there should be some sorta counter
Tasers: annoying, very annoying
knives: unnecessary
guns: fun to deal with but annoying when close together

 Other Gameplay features: gadgets and glides!
Bosses are interesting and fun to take out and the outfits on them are just amazing
upgrades for survivability granted by exp for being fancy with the fights

Story:Perfect, a new twist on batman, a great idea, tutorials that aren't really tutorials as well.

do i reccomend it? YEAH

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A quick note

Just a quick note that i have a Youtube gaming channel that I've had for two years now.
It uploads Battlefront II, Republic commandos, more star wars games, Tf2, other stuff and hopefully more games soon. Here is the link: channel