Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Ricin, Anthrax, Serin Gas, Ebola, White Noise, Chimera Viruses. WELCOME TO YEAR 3

Image Not mine

So as Year 2 rounded up we got interesting Operators, amazing maps, Inventive mid-season Reinforcements, (for Blood Orchid AND White Noise), AND we get some fun weapons

Welcome to The Mid-Season buffs and changes

In Blood Orchid Kapkan got reworked, Blitz got buffed, and it's not like I already used these operators a lot, Ela got toned down a lot thankfully. What else happened is White noise nerfed ela, nerfed ash, nerfed twitch, nerfed Bandit (rip three barbed wire), buffed lesion and BUFFED MY BOI CAPITAO.

My Final opinions about blood orchid were as such, Ela kinda ruined it. The map was great, and Ying is my Ying. Everything was kinda buggy still because OpErAtIoN hEaLtH.

Image result for white noise r6

White noise:

This Operation was chaotic and fun, Tower was amazing, Vigil is underpowered, the C75 is my bae.
Although due to the fact that I mained Echo, I didn't have any problems with Dokkeabi.  I really wish that Vigil would get a gadget buff.
This Season also had the amazing invitational and the last Bosak sister.
Image result for Vigil
Image result for dokkaebi

Vigil, 말보다는 행동이지 - Actions speak louder than words.
Vigil is a fun operator more than a useful one, just like how Caveira is low picked in ranked.
His Weapons are fun and powerful. But his gadget is just a slight boost and target for IQ.
My rating for him? 707/1000

Dokkeabi  멋진 방화벽, 2007 년- Nice firewalls, very 2007.

Dokkeabi was an effective disruptor that had the BOSG meme gun but it isn't great on attack. Instead she had a great laser beam DMR. her gadget was extremely useful, and she was an overall threat that made the game fun. Though as echo it was funny to hear all my other teammate's phones go off while my echo band didn't or I was sitting on a mute jammer. I noticed hacked cams weren't overall as detrimental to defenders unless it was a valk cam.
My Score for Dokkaebi? 890/1000  (Yes! inserting code!)

Zofia: Prepping Thunder! I'm not playing nice Ela!!Image result for zofia bosak

Zofia is insanely useful, But much like Ela, her passive is kinda useless. Her AK-style rifle is great. her gadget is great. And Zofia is tough and loves doming her sister in the head for that sweet +10 sister rivalry points. The concussion effect reduction is helpful. And since we know there's upcoming LMG buffs, she'll be able to use a great LMG too. Then her pistol is fantastic as well.
 My Score? 910/1000 (900 +10 sister rivalry)

OPERATION CHIMERAImage result for operation chimera

Operation Chimera brings us two powerful attacking operators, dubstep drones, steroids, and Zombies. Yes, Zombies.
Let's dig right into it


Outbreak was fun, for the month it lasted :(
It felt really lacking in rewards or replay-ability except for the challenges that forced us to play more outbreak for.... charms, the charms were awesome but I was unable to get any of them because it was insanely annoying and took away from my multiplayer time which was more interesting.
Image result for outbreak rainbow sixSo Outbreak rating? fun: 810/1000
The Outbreak packs really should've been incorporated in the mode.


Image result for Finka

LION -"Big Brother coming in for overwatch"

Here's everyone's favorite Monstercat affiliate with his DUBSTEP DRONE. He's right now got a 100% pickrate in pro league. His monster guns make him a beast. And his ability is so strong, it finna get a nerf. But it made my mute pickrate go up faster than white noise had made it. 
Image result for lion rainbow sixMy rating for Biggy Backpack Boi? :945/1000 Pls nerf

Finka- "Incoming adrenaline surge!"Image result for finka rainbow six  

This girl is literally doping so much she got banned from the olympics. It's awesome to see how much recoil reduction  she gets from her NANOMACHINES SON. She's got the worlds best russian munitions at her disposal. She's got hella utility and she finna be finka.  My rating for an olympics ban? 896/1000

So.... that's my opinion and recap of the past couple seasons of R6 Siege
White noise: 965/1000
Chimera: 932/1000

I'm gonna go play Ghost Recon Wildlands and get my Sam Fisher stuffs.