Wednesday, April 3, 2019

since i forgot to go over it, Clubhouse was made fun! Rainbow Six Siege

Image result for rainbow six clubhouse
So clubhouse is a fun looking map, with a fun gameplay setup with some mobility issues.
during its map Buff in Para John Wick Bellum. Changes included

Connecting the second floors of each building so no longer was upstairs garage area (Cash room and CCTV room) isolated by only really being able to exit to the garage area (which would be locked down by attackers, it was like Favela' paper mache site, exposed.

Making the blue furnace room acessible from a tiny alcove room that served barely any purpose (making garage not the only way down without a hatch) this does add a tiny amount of pressure to Defense as garage is no longer the only way to attack one side.

Closing off Billiards room to make the bar harder to attack, that area was wide open.

Giving garage stairs instead of a ladder.

closing off a master bedroom window.

removing some chairs that cluttered up bar and decreased the entryway space (it was barricadable now).

increased spawnpeeking from defenders (they sort of got a "safe corner" from the new connector on the second floor which prevented them from being shot from construction and instead they pick of anyone they can find on the roof. gutsy little bois) by 300%

and lastly making a bathroom/ hallway rotation point to the club which made a soft wall between bar and club, lead to billiards and the new bathroom so this absured chokepoint wouldnt occur for attackers and that DOOR wasn't an easy sightline to behind the bar.'

these changes made this map one of my favorites to play on

this is old old news but still, i rate it 947/1000

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